What is Gamma Knife?

Bahcesehir University Faculty of Medicine founding Dean Professor Türker Kılıç used Gamma Knife icon with the health of nearly 12,000.
The most important reason for the success of Professor Turker Kilic and his team, who personally perform the treatment of the highest number of patients in our country, is that the same team can perform both Gamma Knife and microsurgery.
Brain tumors, pituitary adenomas, meningiomas, cavernomas and trigeminal neuralgia are successful in many conditions.
WhatsApp information Line about Gamma Knife click to get detailed information and opinions: 0 (531) 739 28 54
Gamma Knife treatment, pronounced “Gamma Nayf” in Turkish, is a brain surgery method performed with only one session gamma ray application without surgery.
Gamma Knife and microsurgery are two different methods and one is not used in place of the other. In some cases, these two surgical methods should be used together in order for the treatment to give a positive result. For this reason, it is very important that the surgeon who applies Gamma Knife and performs microsurgery is the same person. In 95% of the centers that perform ray surgery worldwide, the people who use Gamma Knife and perform the surgery are different.these two applications, which complement each other in Istanbul Göztepe Medical Park, under the leadership of Professor Türker Kılıç, are performed by the same surgeons who specialize in both fields. In this way, the conditions in which traditional microsurgery and Gamma Knife can be used together are evaluated holistically and a treatment plan is drawn up accordingly.
- Radiation surgery applied without opening the skull is a method that provides you with treatment certainty.
- The day following the surgery, you can continue your work and social life from where you left off.
- General anesthesia is not used during treatment and therefore you are free from the risks that may arise.
- You can be discharged on the same day as you will be in the hospital for a day.
- Because you will not stay in the hospital for a long time and can return to work immediately, the cost of treatment is reduced.
- The risk of death from treatment is less than 0.1%, the risk of permanent disability from treatment is less than 2%, and the risk of temporary disability from treatment is less than 3%.
What is Gamma Knife treatment?
Gamma Knife, which is a quick and easy treatment method to use, is a treatment performed with precision Gamma ray application in a single session. It is summarized as a ray surgery system used in the treatment of brain-pituitary tumors and vascular diseases.
In this treatment method, a large number of (192) low energy beams are directed to the diseased area inside the skull with millimetric precision. This provides high energy in the sick area. Gamma Knife is a system of therapeutic use of the creation of genetic and biological changes in tissue. Due to the use of a large number of low-energy beams, no damage to the brain tissue through which the heat passes occurs.
How is the Gamma Knife Applied? What are the Stages of Gamma Knife Treatment?
First, the head of the patient is fixed with the treatment frame. This issue is very important in order to direct the heat to the right point for the treatment to be successful. In line with this procedure, local anesthesia is applied to the points where the frame sits on the head so that the patient does not feel pain.
During the image acquisition phase, MR and angiography images of the patient are taken if necessary.
With the help of special programs used on the images, the physician makes the necessary planning for the diseased area. Once the planned treatment phase is completed, the treatment phase begins.
The coordinates reached as a result of the planning are determined and the necessary position is given to the frame. Then the application is explained to the patient. Beam treatment is started on the patient sliding towards the inside of the machine. After each beam is applied to the diseased area in the required time, the patient is removed from the machine and the frame at the head is taken.
During the treatment, no pain and the patient who does not feel you are discharged by telling the necessary suggestions.
Which Diseases Is Gamma Knife Used For?
With radiation surgery, both malignant and benign brain tumors can be treated. Gamma Knife ray surgery can be used on meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, acoustic neurinomas, brain metastases, glial tumors and many more tumors.
Thanks to Gamma Knife technology, many different ailments can also be treated. The main areas of use are vascular brain diseases (arteriovenous malformations and cavernomas) and functional brain diseases (trigeminal neurated, parkinsonism epilepsy).
In order to use Gamma Knife beam surgery, the tumor diameter must be less than 35-40 mm. The effect of treatment is seen in malignant tumors within 2-3 months and in vascular diseases within 1-2 years.
The Differences between Gamma Knife and Radiotherapy.
With Gamma Knife Beam surgery, tissue is reached with anatomical selectivity. In this surgical method, only diseased tissues are exposed to gamma rays. This will not damage the healthy tissues in the surrounding area. In addition to the tumor targeted in conventional radiotherapy radiation treatment, the surrounding healthy tissues are exposed to light and destruction occurs.
The amount of energy used in the treatment of 30 sessions of a normal brain tumor is realized in just minutes with the Gamma Knife method. In this way, the patient is treated only once instead of many sessions.
The margin of error in anatomical selectivity remains as low as 0.2 mm. Gamma Knife, one of the methods of brain surgery and a type of surgery, takes its name from this anatomical selectivity.
The Gamma Knife fee has been taken under state coverage by the SGK. A small amount of contribution may be obtained as other treatments within the scope of SGK. This amount varies according to the type of case. You can contact us for clear information about the Gamma Knife price from our treatment team.
Yes BAU Medicine Goztepe Medical Park Gamma Knife Unit provides services to patients with SGK.
Gamma Knife, which is becoming increasingly common in Turkey, is located in a number of hospitals, mainly in BAU Medical Park Göztepe.
Professor Turker Kilic, who brought Gamma Knife treatment to Turkey for the first time and has the most patient treatment experience, performs his treatments at BAU Medicine Medical Park Göztepe campus in Istanbul.
Thanks to the fact that patients can be discharged on the same day, which is a single session treatment, patients from all provinces of Turkey can be treated here.
Over 1 million patients worldwide have been treated with Gamma Knife. Professor Turker Kilic has treated approximately 11 thousand patients with Gamma Knife.
There are hundreds of scientific articles and articles on Gamma Knife, and the reliability of Gamma Knife management in the medical science world has been proven in this way.
The risk of death in Gamma Knife is less than one hundred thousand (>0,001%) and the risk of unexpected damage is less than 1% in reliable hands. This shows that the success of treatment is over 99%, and at this rate, it has success over other treatment alternatives.
During the installation of the stereotactic frame required for treatment, the patient feels a squeeze in the head, but this feeling disappears within 3-5 minutes.
The patient only feels like he has a heavy hat on his head. It is not possible to see or feel radiation rays during treatment.
The duration of treatment may vary in each patient. The effect of Gamma Knife can vary from a few months to a few years.
After treatment, patients should be checked at the intervals prescribed by the doctor.
The day after surgery, you can return to your normal social and work life. You will be discharged from the hospital on the same day.
Patients are not put to sleep during treatment. If the patient experiences extreme excitement about this process, sedative medication may be given. During the radiation surgery, monitor monitoring is performed by staying in contact with the patient with the help of the microphone.
Benign brain tumors thanks to Gamma Knife (meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, acoustic neurinomas, etc.) and malignant brain tumors (brain metastases, glial tumors, etc.) can be cured. In addition to brain tumors, Gamma Knife method is used for vascular brain diseases (arterivenous malfunctions and cavernomas) and functional brain diseases (trigeminal neuralgia, etc.).
Tell your doctor about the medications you take regularly. You will be informed about whether these medications can be taken before treatment.
You may be asked to wash your hair and head with shampoo the day or the day before the surgery.
Wear comfortable clothes to the hospital. Make sure that there are no metal zippers or buttons on your clothes. Do not wear jewelry or watches.
Before the treatment, your pockets should be empty and you should not have electronic devices such as credit cards and mobile phones on you during the treatment.
No. The patient’s hair does not need to be shaved. Hair does not affect the treatment process and is not affected by this process.
No. There is no hair loss due to treatment.
In patients with high surgical side effects due to advanced age, Gamma Knife beam surgery is used. In patients who are at risk of receiving general anesthesia, Gamma Knife treatment can also be used.
Gamma Knife is a one-session treatment management that shows its effect over a period of time. First of all, it should be known that the effect of the treatment will show after a while.
In this process, the course of treatment is kept under control and closely monitored. In rare cases, cases where treatment needs to be repeated can be detected, in which case an extra treatment session can be planned.
You can write directly to Gamma Knife WhatsApp information Line to make an appointment from Professor Dr. Turker Kilic.
When you provide the patient name and contact phone, your information will be forwarded to the assistants in the treatment unit and you will be called at the first opportunity to set up your appointment.